back to overview Full name: Titles: Nationality: Polo van der Putt mr. Dutch Job(s) Employer/field of work: Vondst Advocaten N.V. Current job(s): Lawyer Partner Previous job(s): Lawyer at Lovells LLP, formerly Ekelmans Den Hollander Secondary job(s): Local representative, ITechLaw Chairman of the editorial board of Board member of Nederlandse Vereniging voor Informatietechnologie en Recht Previous secondary job(s): Chairman and board member of the Netherlands Association of Computer Lawyers (VIRA) Chairman and board member of Platform Outsourcing Nederland Expertise Outsourcing Security Enforceability contracts Big data Cloud Publications Bijzondere zorgplichten van IT-leveranciers, Computerrecht 2018-160 (samen met T. van de Bunt) De afdwingbaarheid van contracten bij falende IT-projecten, Computerrecht 2016/44 Outsourcing onder Architectuur, Van haren Publishing 2012 (hoofdstuk juridische aspecten) De gevolgen van niet-nakoming bij IT-projecten, Computerrecht 2/2011 Diverse other publications Languages Dutch: English: German: Native language Fluent Moderate